Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Let’s rip one band-aid off right away: the current scientific and academic system is incredibly flawed and tremendously biased. Unfortunately, most students are not brought into contact with the respective issues during their studies and thus quite often perceive the present inequalities as “normal” and a given. This led to the proliferation of exceptionally unfair “standards” and practices towards minorities and underrepresented groups. What’s needed to combat these things are Universities, Departments, Lecturers, etc., that address these issues, as well as inform and enable students to actively engage in the process towards increasing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (#DEI) at all levels.

You might think: “Why should I care, and what does it have to do with me? I just want to study.”. Well, even though you might not be (knowingly) affected, someone you know most likely will be and it will take all of us to change this for the better. In order to become aware of the systemic problems and issues others are facing and take corresponding actions, one needs to be able to make informed decisions based on a broad foundation of knowledge, and this needs to be enabled ASAP.

While we will talk about #DEI during the course, it obviously will be more and additionally mostly limited to the experience and insights of the instructor. Thus, please take the time and effort to delve into this crucial topic by checking the resources linked below and utilizing them as a starting point. Please note that these things will be frequently updated. If you stumble across something that should be included, please get in touch with the instructor so that it can be added.

Overview Materials & Introduction to DEI

Below you’ll find some useful resources to familiarize yourself with (#DEI) and related problems. The list will contain different media, from YouTube videos, journal publications, workshops, and other information material.

Introductory Videos

A short overview video from the Department of Medicine at McMaster University about Understanding Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Academy.

A set of videos from the Southern Regional Education Board focusing on Equity and Diversity in Higher Education, including multiple presentations.

A TED talk, by Janet Stovall about How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

And another TED talk, this time by Anthony Jack, called On Diversity: Access Ain’t Inclusion.

A set of presentations about Queer & Trans Perspectives in Academia organized by SAGE.

Journal Publications

There is an increasing amount of journal articles that address #DEI via various approaches. Below, you’ll find a short list of them, ranging from publications with a rather broad overview character to those that focus on a very specific topic.

Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions

Racial and ethnic imbalance in neuroscience reference lists and intersections with gender

The extent and drivers of gender imbalance in neuroscience reference lists

(In)citing Action to Realize an Equitable Future

The Citation Diversity Statement: A Practice of Transparency, A Way of Life

Interactive Materials

More and more information concerning this important topic is also provided via interactive materials, i.e., shiny apps, that allow for a more in-depth exploration. Sometimes add-ons to journal publications, sometimes independent work or repositories, and sometimes based on other resources, these materials present interesting means to examine the corresponding complex interactions further. Below, you’ll find a few respective examples:

The Intersection of Race and Gender in Science Stratification

A very informative resource that allows to explore “intersectional inequalities” across fields and topics, as well as including data and methods descriptions.

Other Material

Here’s an informative Wikipedia article on “First-generation college students in the United States”. While it’s obviously focused on the US education system, a lot of the outlined issues/problems/obstacles/hurdles are faced by first-generation students all over the world.


Please note that this list will be rather “neuroscience-focused” as it’s the instructor’s main field of expertise/work. However, other resources will be added ASAP and frequently.

Women in Neuroscience Repository

The Women in Neuroscience Repository aims to “identify and recommend female neuroscientists for conferences, symposia, or collaborations.” by providing a fantastic interactive resource organized by a multitude of keywords. There’s also a account.

Queer in Neuro

The Queer in Neuro initiative is currently under development, but exciting things will happen soon. Make sure to check their .

Queer Engineer International

Queer Engineer Internation is an initiative “to build resources and authentic community at the intersection of LGBTQIA+ and STEM.”

Letters to a Pre-Scientist

The goal of Letters to a Pre-Scientist is to “inspire all students to explore a future in STEM” via connecting “students with real scientists to demystify STEM careers and empower all students to see themselves as future STEM professionals.”